Fiduciary Guidance

When you engage BCG 401(k) Advisors, we engage in a four-step review process:
- Investment Analysis
- Fee Benchmarking Report
- Request for Proposal Support
- Fiduciary Plan Review
Investment Analysis
Investment decisions are challenging for small to mid-size companies without becoming an investment expert or creating an ongoing trusting relationship with an accomplished investment advisor.
Our advisors provide that service.
We follow a highly disciplined and prudent methodology toward ensuring the investment portfolio empowers your plan and the retirement outcomes of your participants.
We review the asset allocation mix and investment quality of current offerings. We strive to improve or expand the investment menu with your current provider and determine how mutual fund share classes can affect overall pricing.
We provide you with a thorough, proprietary process to analyze, select, and monitor the on-going quality of investments. When necessary, we recommend replacement. In-house development of our Scorecard℠ ranking system differentiates our services as well.
You will be empowered and informed. This detailed focus seeks to improve your employees’ plan and helps you manage your fiduciary liability.
Many plan sponsors are unaware of plan fees and unfamiliar with fee structures. If fees are excessive, the impact on plan effectiveness is significant.
We have developed a proprietary process that results in a complete Fee Benchmarking Analysis Report, which compares total current fees, both administrative and investment-related, on as many as ten other providers of plans with similar demographics. Further, this fee report includes a cross-section of types of providers-from independent third party administrators to bundled and semi-bundled providers.
We deliver complete RFP support services for our clients that include assistance with:
- Selection of vendors whose clients match your profile
- Comparison of proposals based on 350 different components
- Comparison of pricing based on both administrative costs and investment expense
- Assistance with the conversion process, if a new vendor is selected
Additionally, we provide documentation to support the decision to do formal request for proposal (RFP).
There is a tidal wave of change occurring in the benefits sector. And it could affect you. Do you know what to do?
Without a clear and concrete compliance process, plan fiduciaries can be held personally liable for failure to meet best practices, poor employee investment returns, adhere to new laws, or for any other number of potentially hidden pitfalls.
In our compliance work, we guide plan sponsors through the ebb and flow of legislative requirements under ERISA, the DOL, IRS and other regulatory agencies.
By using a defined process (an ERISA requirement) and an independent advisor (a DOL suggestion), plan sponsors who work with us move ahead with confidence in the knowledge that a sound decision has been reached through independent, objective guidance.
This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors, but is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax or legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation. In no way does advisor assure that, by using the information provided, plan sponsor will be in compliance with ERISA regulations.